Disc Golf is an outdoor activity, easy to learn and play and suitable for all ages.

Very similar to golf, clubs and balls are replaced by frisbees and the holes by baskets.

The first Disc Golf is laid out at Irrisarri Land in Navarre. With a configuration similar to that of a golf course, it has a route of 18 baskets distributed over different plots of the park and with different difficulties.

The last of the holes has a pitch distance of up to 140 meters.

Information and Prices

Freesbie rental
  • Price: 6 per day for 2 frisbees.
    15€ each in case of loss.

*Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult, maximum 2 children per adult. The adult must take the same ticket as the minor.

Events and championships

V Navarra Open
  • Date: 2, 3 and 4 May

Tournament within the Copa de España championship.
