In Irrisarri Land “going back to our roots” is not an empty phrase: in terms of adventure, IrriSarri Land is the ideal outdoor environment to learn much more about the diverse native plants and animals or Basque culture and mythology, while raising the awareness of the importance of managing our natural heritage, commitment with the group etc
In 2021 and 2022 more than 200 schools have visited us:staying in our Hostel Non Stop Inn or in the Mirador, overlooking the mountains. To refuel strength, we offer menus. Our best advertisement is that schools return to us.
An adventure turned into a learning experience. Our offer is aimed at the development of physical and intellectual skills that make the stay in Irrisarri Land an ideal complement to the educational curriculum.
… To enjoy it as a day break, or for 2 or 3 days without leaving Irrisarri Land: in our Non Stop Inn Hostel or in the Mirador, overlooking the mountains. To refuel strength, we offer home-made menus locally sourced (zero food miles), which can cater for all dietary needs.
Hundreds of activities to suit all sizes of groups and ages to customisable from 4 pre-planned itineraries – IrriSarri Land offers a memorable school adventure. Free Baxi Natura ticket offered to every student.
*Recommended age |
To cross forests and Tibetan bridges | To climb trees and rocks | To live nature to the limit | To fly without wings | To live the adventure without limits | ||||||||||||||
Lurra (Earth) | Enborra (Trunk) | Hostoa (Leaf) | Adarra (Branch) | Haizea (Wind) | |||||||||||||||
3 – 6 years* | From 6 years* | From 6 years* | From 6 years* | From 6 years*
Includes T-900 |
Day visit | 2 days 1 night |
3 days 2 nights |
Day visit | 2 days 1 night |
3 days 2 nights |
Day visit | 2 days 1 night |
3 days 2 nights |
Day visit | 2 days 1 night |
3 days 2 nights |
Day visit | 2 days 1 night |
3 days 2 nights |
€22 | €71 | €119 | €31 | €77 | €127 | €31 | €77 | €127 | €36 | €86 | €131 | €50 | €100 | €144 | |||||
Contact us | Contact us | Contact us | Contact us | Contact us | |||||||||||||||
Train Irrisarri Express | ✔ | ||||||||||||||||||
Tree top walk | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||||||||||||||
2 zipe-lines | ✔ | ✔ | |||||||||||||||||
3 zipe-lines | ✔ | ||||||||||||||||||
ROUTES (60 min): Of the senses / Interpretative / Mythological / Nature | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||||||||||||
Fun games | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||||||||||||
Disc Golf | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||||||||||||
Jolastoki (1000m2 covered play area) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||||||||||||
Water games | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||||||||||||
Tibetan bridge (the longest in Europe) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||||||||||||
Hundreds of activities to suit all sizes of groups and ages to customisable from 4 pre-planned itineraries – IrriSarri Land offers a memorable school adventure.
Free Baxi Natura ticket offered to every student.
*Recommended age
Night Activities (choose 1 per night)
Disco / Music box / Cinema (3-7 years) / Night walk in the forest / Contest (group – competition)
Fill your experience
Apart from the activities included in the Park Ticket, you can choose between these 3 activities to create your perfect adventure in IrriSarri Land.
Optional activities to choose from
Activity | Price pp |
Tree top route (walk from tree to tree) | €10 |
2 Zip lines (ZL-160m + ZL-370m) | €11 |
Zip line ZL-900m (the longest zip line in Navarre and the Basque Autonomous Community) | €20 |
Laser Combat (Dynamics between 2 teams) | €15 |
Equestrian baptism (Ride a horse) | €11 |
Climbing (outdoor and indoor climbing wall) | €11 |
. The packages include: personalized planning, 1 monitor for every 25 students and support during the activities.
. Packages with stay include: snack, dinner, breakfast, mid-morning snack and lunch.
Other options
Concept | Price pp |
Child: Additional night full board | €55 |
Kitchen use | €6 |
Linen rent | €6 |
Blanket rent | €4 |
Additional meal | €16 |
Snack | €3 |
Extra monitor 10:00 – 18:00 | €181 |
. Free for teachers: included in the same package selected for students (1 teacher for every 10 students).
. Homemade food with local products.
. Special menus: allergies and intolerances.
. Teachers to accompany children with special needs: free.
Once you arrive at Irisarri, a monitor will welcome you and show you the complete planning and schedule of your adventure.
In 2021 and 2022, more than 200 schools have stayed in IrriSarri Land.
Aita Iparragirre
Aitor Ikastola
Aldapeta Maria Ikastetxea
Aldatze Ikastetxea
Alkiza Eskola
Ama Guadalupekoa Hondarribi
Amaiur Ikastola
Ametza Ikastola
Andra Mari Ikastola
Anoetako Herri Ikastola
Ansoaingo Ezkaba Ikastetxea
Antoniano Ikastetxea
Antzuola Herri Ikastola
Arantza Herri Eskola
Arantzazuko Ama
Aranzadi Ikastola
Argia Ikastola
Assa Ikastola
Auzalar Ikastetxea
Balentzategi Herri Eskola
Basakaitz Ikastetxea
Basque Destination
Baztan Ikastola
Beasain Bhi
Beasaingo Ikastola
Beasaingo La Salle Ikastetxea
Benjamin De Tudela
Bernart Etxepare Ikastetxea
Betiko Ikastola
Biurdana Iruñeko Errotxapea
C.P. Buztintxuri
Camino De Santiago – Zizur Mayor
Ceip Errekabarri
Ceip Garaikoetxea-Landaberri
Ceip Urdaneta Hlhi
Ceip Zaldibar Hlhi
Centro De La Cruz Cortes
Ceo Villa De Autol
Cip Tudela
Co Villa De Autol
Colegio Calazanz Pamplona
Colegio De Allo (Navarra)
Colegio De Peralta
Colegio Hermanas Urizpi
Colegio Mary Ward
Colegio Público Beriain
Colegio San Cernin
Colegio San Ignacio
Colegio Santa María La Real
Colegio Santa Teresa De Jesús
College Saint Michel Garicoitz
Cp Abarzuza
Cp Catalina De Foix
Cp Eulza Ip Barañain
Cp Lago De Mendillorri
Cp Los Sauces-Sahats
Cp Noain
Cp Obanos
Cp Puente La Reina
Cp Real Marques De La Defensa
Cp San Adrian
Cp San Miguel Ip
Cp Urroz
Cpeip Pitillas
Cpeip Astigarraga
Cpeip Azpilagaña
Cpeip Camino De Santiago
Cpeip Eulza Barañain
Cpeip Francisco Arbeloa
Cpeip J.M Espinal Olcoz
Cpeip Mendialdea
Cpeip Rochapea
Cpeip San Juan
Cpeip San Miguel De Orkoien
Cripiain-Marius, Liu
Cristobal Gamon Lhi
Dona Maria Kolegioa
Doneztebeko Eskola
Donibaneko Ikastola
Doña Mayor De Navarra
Ecole Sainte-Famille D’Urquijo
Egape Ikastola Bhi
Egiluze Hijas De La Cruz
Eguzkitza Hlhi
Eibarko La Salle Isasi
El Pilar Ikastetxea
Elatzeta Ikastetxea
Elgoibar Ikastola
Elizalde Hi
Elizondo Ip
Elkar Hezi Ikastetxea
Elorri I.P Lh3-Lh4
English School
Erentzun Ikastola
Erniobea Bhi
Erreniega Ikastetxe Publikoa
Escuela Teresiana
Eunate Eskola
Fleming Herri Eskola
Floreaga Salestar Ikastetxea
Fundacion Uliazpi
Hegoalde Ikastola
Hermanas Uriz Pi
Hernani Bhi
Herri Ametsa
Ibarberri Ip
Ies Beasain Bhi
Ies Blanxart
Ies Ega
Ies Elorrio Bhi
Ies Oriarte Bhi
Ies Valle Del Ebro
Ies Zizur Bhi
Ieso Mendaur Dbhi
Igantziko Eskola Publikoa
Ikasbide Ikastola
Ikastola Paz De Ziganda
Imaz Bertsolari Eskola
Inmaculada Concepcion Ikastetxea
Instituto Valle Del Ebro
Ipi Karmengo Ama
Ipi Zaragueta Herri Eskola
Irain Eskola Lesaka
Iraurgi Ikastetxea
Irulegi Ikastetxe Publikoa
Iruritako Eskola
Itsas Argi Ikastola
Iturmendi + Urdiain
Iturzaeta Herri Ikastetxea
J.A. Muñagorri Eskola
Jakintza Ikastola
Jaso Ikastola
Jesuitak Donostia
Jesuitinas Donostia
Joakin Lizarraga
Koldo Mitxelena
Kurtzebarri Eskola
Kurutziaga Ikastetxea
La Anunciata Ikastetxea
La Asuncion Ikastetxea
La Asuncion Ikastetxea
La Salle Berrozpe Ikastetxea
La Salle Donostia
La Salle San Jose
Laiotz Herri Eskola
Lakuntza Herri Eskola
Landagain Ip
Langile Ikastola
Lapatxoko Gaztelekua
Larraintzar Ikastetxea
Larramendi Ikastetxea
Laskorain Ikastola
Lauaizeta Bhi
Legasako Eskola Publikoa
Leitzako Erleta Ikastetxea
Lesakako Irain Eskola
Lezo Herri Eskola
Liceo Cheraute
Liceo Monjardin Pamplona
Lizarra Remontival
Luis Gil – Zangoza
Luzaro Eskola
Magale Ikastetxea
Mendigoiti Ikastetxe Publikoa
Muskitz Ikastola
Oihanzabal Eskola
Ondarreta Ikastetxea
Ordiziako Urdaneta Eskola
Orereta Ikastola
Orioko Herri Ikastola
Orixe Bhi
Orokieta Herri Eskola
Orreagako Ama Ip
Ortzadar Ikastetxea
Pasaia Lezo Lizeoa
Paz De Ziganda Ikastola
Pello Errota Larraulgo Eskola
Ricardo Baroja Eta Toki Ona
Salbatore Mitxelena
Salesianos Urnieta
San Andres Herri Eskola
San Benito Ikastola
San Bizente Ikastola
San Donato Ip
San Fermin Ikastola
San Francisco Javier Ikastetxea
San Miguel Eskola
San Nikolas Ikastola Algorta
San Pedro Hlhip
San Vicente De Paul Ikastetxea
Santa Luisa De Marillach
Santa Teresa De Jesus.
Santo Tomas Lizeoa
Seber Altube Ikastola
St Patrick’s English School
Talaia Ikastetxea
Tantirumairu Ikastola
Tellerialde Ikastetxea
The British School Of Navarra
Toki Alai Lh
Txingudi Ikastola
Udarregi Ikastola
Urdaneta Lh Ordizia
Urkide Ikastetxea
Urretxu Zumarraga Ikastola
Usandizaga Peñaflorida
Virgen Blanca Huarte
Zaldubi Ikastola
Zaragueta Eskola
Zubimusu Ikastola
Zumaia Herri Eskola
Zumaiena Ikastetxea